My mom and dad on their wedding day.

Well, I didn’t even have to  think about this one before answering.  I would give anything to talk with my mom and dad. They are both with the Lord now, so that isn’t going to be an option for me anytime soon, but it’s still my wish. I had absolutely wonderful parents. Their love for each other and their love for me gave me much joy throughout my growing up years and well into my adulthood. They sustained me in every hurtful or negative experience and encouraged me to believe I could be everything I wanted to be. They taught me the truths of God’s Word and also taught me to seek out and find truth for myself so that I never had to depend on what someone else believed in order to have faith in my own heart.

I am now into my senior years of life, but I still miss them as much as if I were 10 years old. Their wisdom and love were so special that I have never found its equal, except in the husband the Lord gave me.  I have been extremely blessed to have had that kind of family experience. And I can honestly say that I would give almost everything I own to be able to spend just 30 minutes talking with my mom and dad today.

Love & Marriage


Today would be my mom and dad’s 75th wedding anniversary — if they were still on this earth. They were very much in love their whole lives, and my sister and I benefited from their love because it made them terrific parents. I’m dedicating this little cinquain to them.

It takes a lot
Of effort and good will,
And love that puts another first.
Quite rare.

But two
People I know
Invested selflessly
In two becoming one with great


Coffee Valentine # 7

Well, here we are to the big love day and my final Coffee Valentine. I hope these light-hearted messages of love have added to your celebration of Valentine’s Day and to your enjoyment of great coffee. 🙂


photo courtesy of Zumasik @ pixabay.com

Your love is like the world’s best coffee. I just can’t get enough of it, so I’m ordering refills for life.


The Secret of the Ribbon Tree

I wrote this poem several years ago, but got to thinking about it this week — probably because we are coming up on Valentine’s Day. So I decided to give it some time online again.


I’ve wondered round this earth for years,
And known my share of joys and tears.
I’ve laughed with love and cried for loss,
And broken dreams like rubbish tossed.

I’ve seen sights soaked in splendid sun
And bathed by moon when day was done.
But ’til today I’d not seen such
A sight that stirred my heart this much:

A giant, handsome, stately tree
Bedecked with ribbons midst the leaves.
Such gorgeous bows of silk, blood-red,
Tied as if on maiden’s head.

I stood and pondered what it meant:
This work of art to nature lent.
Who ties these bows, and why, I asked.
Who set himself this tedious task?

Some lover dreaming of soul-mate,
Who joyous love anticipates?
But there was none who, passing by,
Could tell me who, or how, or why.

And though I stood ’till set of sun
I found no answer; no, not one.
So on I trudged my weary way,
To reach my post by end of day.

But as I went, I sang a song:
Though much in this old world is wrong,
Still someone with a heart of love,
Took time and, with care, beauty wove –

Amidst the branches of old tree –
A gift of ribbons for all to see:
To lift the heart and light’n the load
Of each soul passing ‘long that road.


Love Cinquain Collection


Now that we have moved into the “month of love,” I thought I’d dig back through my cinquain archives and take a look at some of the love cinquains I’ve written in the past. I will have to write some new ones this year, of course, but I enjoy reading those from past years and remembering what triggered the idea for writing them exactly as I did. This list isn’t comprehensive, by any means. There are several more on the same theme. But these caught my attention this week. So I hope you enjoy this little trip down cinquain memory lane with a focus on love.


Heart pounds;
Palms sweat; mouth’s dry;
Can’t seem to concentrate.
Is this some rare disease? No, wait:


My quest:
Looking for love.
I want a love that lasts
Beyond the transient flame of lust
‘Til death.


My heart
Longs to find love
That takes me as I am,
But makes me so much better by
Its pow’r.


Some say
That love is blind.
Not so. Instead I find
True love seeks out and focuses
On good.


Tears fall.
Hard to believe:
I thought we had it all,
But now I find I loved alone.
He’s gone.


Done correctly
Is more a matter of
Faithfulness and honor than of


I walk the aisle
And give to my best friend
My hand and heart for all my life;
“I do.”











Irresistible Invitation

I was watching an art tutorial the other day, and the artist shared about something she had learned from a life coach that had changed her life for the good. It was the concept of determining what you give your time and energy to by always “focusing on what sparks joy.” The concept found a home in my heart as well. It’s very good advice, and I intend to follow it more in the future. In light of that fact, I offer this bit of Haiku for two reasons: Writing it sparks joy in me, and I hope reading it sparks the same joy in you.



If you need some love,

I know where you can find it:
I’ll be here all day.





In Love With Love?

I was rambling through my archives today and came across this poem. Thought I’d give it a fresh airing — just ’cause I like it.


Oh, I wish I were in love.
How I love to be in love!
It’s so great to be in love —
Until you’re dumped.

Oh, but love is so exciting,
With emotions all igniting,
In the favored one delighting —
‘Til you’re dumped.

I believed in sweet romance,
Loving arms in which to dance,
Titillated by a glance —
Then I got dumped.

Now, I’m not so sure of love,
It’s so hard real love to prove,
And if I don’t fall in love —
I can’t get dumped!

Perhaps I should let my faithful readers know that this poem is not based on a true story. Actually it grew out of a brief experience I had today when I turned on the car radio and heard a song from my high school days. It took me instantly back to a restaurant where I was enjoying some time with a guy I “thought” I was semi-in-love with. Our relationship never did develop into anything serious, and for a short time, I was unhappy. However, by 5 years later, I was thanking God that I never got into anything more serious with him than a mere friendship. I do pity his wife a good deal. But as I thought about that experience, I just sat down to write a poem about how we tend to fall in love with love sometimes, and — well — this is what I ended up with.



Friday Fictioneers 7.28.17: “Love On The Line # 2”

This week’s Friday Fictioneers picture prompt reminded me of a delightful and heart-melting true story that I read about several years ago. It took place during WWII, and involved a real U. S. serviceman, the woman who was the love of his life, and a tender-hearted, romantic telephone operator. I was so touched by the story that I told it (changing names, etc.) in a poem on this site about four years ago. That poem, however, in order to tell the whole story properly, took much more than 100 words.

But when I saw the picture today, I just couldn’t get away from that love story, so I’ve tried my best to squeeze it into the requirements for our FF challenge. I’m still 14 words over the limit, but if your romance outweighs your legalism, you might enjoy it anyway.

Today’s thought-provoking prompt comes to us from J. Hardy Carroll.



“Operator, I’m calling Susan Wheeler, St. Louis.”
“This blizzard may interfere with connection, sir.”
“Please try, my 2-day leave is almost gone.”

“I have a call for Susan Wheeler from Bill Meadows in Boston.”
“This is Susan.”
“Hold please. Go ahead sir.”
“Susan! Sweetheart!”
“Oh, Bill, I was getting worried.”
“Honey, the blizzard’s too bad for me to get there, but I must ask you something important.”
“Sorry sir, we’ve lost your connection.”
“NO! Please. I’m trying to propose!”
“It’s no use sir.”
“But she can hear me. Shall I relay your question?”
“Yes, please; I have to know! Ask her if she’ll marry me.”

“Great news, Sir. She says yes!”

If you’re interested enough to get the more complete version, here’s a link to the poem.




Love Qualms? – Daily Post Prompt



Got any qualms about falling in love?
Well, take it from me – an old lady.
There’s just nothing like it when it’s the real thing.
It’s super, and I don’t mean maybe.

If you and your mate share a genuine love —
The kind that puts each other first —
It makes all the difference in living this life,
When things are at best or at worst.

There’s comfort and coziness, smooches and hugs
And help with decisions galore.
And though aggravations creep in now and then,
It’s still good to share all the chores.

So if you’ve been given a chance to share love,
Don’t wonder and waver and wait.
Cast off your qualms and lift up your head;
With courage embrace your soul’s mate.


To participate in today’s prompt visit Daily Post.
